More than five thousand years ago with the invention of writing the pre-history of the human kind ceases and Homo Sapiens marks the eve of human history. The same age discovers the metallurgy, thus allowing the civilization of metals to sign the beginning of human evolution all the way to the invention of the wheel. The first great civilizations arose on the Nile, Tigris and Euphrates river banks and soon led to the development of sciences like algebra, geometry, astronomy, engineering.
Visconti conceived the Homo Sapiens writing instruments line for real writers. Cteristics that render it unique in the manufacturing of writing instruments. Visconti has successfully produced a material containing over 50% of pure basaltic lava, catalysed together with resin in a formula – patented thus obviously kept secret -whose extraordinary characteristics practically transforms it into a material perfectly fit to writing instruments.
Visconti lava is:
Virtually unbreakable: It has a high degree of resilience.
Flameproof - Visconti lava has a resistance to heat of over 100°C.
Slightly hygroscopic, allowing to absorb hand sweat during use.
Dense at touch, allowing the best finger-relaxing grip.
Unquestionably new in the range of materials employed in the making of fountain pens.
Inspiration was drawn from the Bronze Age for all metallic parts. The Bronze Age, almost contemporary to the invention of writing, marked the eve of human civilization. The clip, the rings and the metal accessories -with the exception of the piston only- are all in bronze: natural bronze like the antique formula, that does not require plating or protection treatments which alter its original almost pink colour and which can be easily polished with special products.